Pranayama Workshop

  • 19 Jul 2014
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Wellness 260, 241 Sears Ave

Pranayama is the yogic practice of breath control. While most westerners are familiar with yoga as a set of poses to condition the body, the ancient practice of yoga has always had at its roots the essential knowledge of breath control as the gateway between the physical and subtle realms. From alleviating asthma and other pulmonary maladies, to reducing stress and promoting peace of mind, to providing higher insights of our energetic body, the regular practice of pranayama has been proven to provide many benefits. This workshop will explore a variety of pranayama exercises, and allow time for the student to develop a deeper understanding of the physical, energetic and mental benefits of this traditional practice.

$30, with pre-registration required at:
  • Home
  • Pranayama Workshop

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