Health Care Reform Meeting

  • 21 Feb 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Interactive Media Lab - 124 N 1st St Louisville, KY 40202


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Matt McDevitt, President at Agent-link and Benjamin J. Byrne, President of Byrne Insurance Group are hosting an informative LIBA member meeting about Health Care Reform and how Employers can prepare today for the future.


The meeting will focus on providing unique opportunities and approaches that can help navigate the Affordable Care Act. Speakers will discuss Public Exchanges, Private Exchanges, Government Subsidies, Penalities for Employers, and Defined Contribution Strategies.


Current information will be shared on what was just released this week from HHS. Employers will walk away from this meeting with a unique perspective of the Affordable Care Act and have a good idea of what to expect next year.

Thanks to LIBA Business Member, Interactive Media Lab, for hosting us!
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